[15:15PM] in 2023 there was a bunch of things i said i would do this year, as everyone does. now, the shocking part: i actually did (some of) these things. crazy. they're not all "perfect" which is good, because that means i actually acted on the intention, and some of these things didn't really end up the way i planned or expected, but well, one of the goals for 2024 was to try and let go of expectations. which is immensely trickier than i already thought it would be. but it's not impossible, so i guess we can say it's working, right?. i hope so. wait, that's already an expectation, isn't--
well, this thing you're reading right now through your electronic device with internet access was among the items on my list. and it's also not going as i planned at all! yay! isn't that amazing? to surrender and not try to control each and every thing, even what's out of your reach? there's a part of me that wants to cry in despair actually, but it's ok, they'll get used to it.
are you still reading this? if yes, why? you don't need to, you know. this is just me decluttering my mind really. but it's ok if you wanna stick around, whatever you want.
right now, you may have noticed that there's not much going on in this place, and being honest, i don't know how things will unfold, or how fast. i just want "my own little corner", like everyone else here. but because i also have a life like everyone else and i'm actually trying to live (now that's new), this can take longer to be updated and expanded. or not, maybe i'm just being dramatic for no reason. who knows.
so yeah, if you're really reading this, take care of yourself and don't worry too much. that's more of a reminder than anything. ♡